7 Unconventional Growth Hacks in the Indian Market


As entrepreneurs in the Indian market, it’s essential to explore innovative strategies that can fuel the growth of your business. In this article, we will discuss seven unconventional growth hacks tailored to the Indian context. These tactics serve as marketing shortcuts, providing you with an edge to accelerate your business’s growth. By applying these strategies, you can tap into the unique opportunities and challenges present in the Indian market.

Amplify Your Social Media Strategy with Hypefury and Typefully

Social media platforms play a pivotal role in driving business growth in India. To maximise your social media presence, leverage tools like Hypefury and Typefully. These tools streamline your Twitter threads and enable you to extend your reach to platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram. By automating tasks and overcoming writer’s block, you can save valuable time and effort, allowing you to create compelling content that resonates with the Indian audience. For instance, Indian companies like Flipkart and Swiggy have successfully utilised social media platforms to connect with customers and drive business growth.

Forge Strategic Partnerships with Industry Conferences

Conferences provide excellent opportunities for business growth in India. Instead of simply attending or speaking at conferences, consider establishing strategic partnerships. Offer financial support, volunteer to speak for free, or assist in promoting the event. In return, conference organisers can help you set up one-on-one meetings with key industry players and major Indian companies. These partnerships can pave the way for significant enterprise deals and open doors to expand your business network in the Indian market. For example, startups like Zomato and Ola have leveraged strategic partnerships with industry conferences to gain exposure and accelerate their growth.

Leverage ChatGPT and Riverside.fm for Podcast Summaries

Podcasts have gained immense popularity in India as a medium for knowledge sharing. To make the most of your podcast episodes, utilise tools like ChatGPT and Riverside.fm. Record your podcasts using Riverside.fm’s high-quality platform and transcribe them using AI. Then, leverage ChatGPT to summarise the key points into insightful blog posts. This approach saves time and resources, allowing you to reach a broader Indian audience with valuable podcast content.

Boost LinkedIn Engagement with Verified Accounts

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for professional networking and business growth in India. To enhance engagement on LinkedIn, consider leveraging the tactic of having influential Indian accounts comment on your profile. Engaging with verified accounts that have a significant Indian following can boost the virality of your posts and increase visibility among the Indian audience. However, ensure the authenticity and relevance of the accounts you engage with, adhering to ethical practices.

Utilise Retention.com for E-commerce Success

Email marketing plays a crucial role in driving e-commerce growth in India. Utilise tools like Retention.com to optimise your email collection efforts. This tool allows you to cross-reference website visitors with their email lists, resulting in higher email capture rates compared to traditional methods. However, it’s important to comply with privacy regulations in India, such as the Personal Data Protection Bill, to ensure legal and ethical use of customer data while leveraging this growth hack.

Give Away a Free Book

Offering a free book can be an effective strategy for generating sales and capturing customer information in the Indian market. Make your book available for free, with customers only paying for shipping. This approach allows you to build a book funnel, where you can later promote other products, services, or consulting offerings. Utilize platforms like ClickFunnels and leverage targeted digital marketing campaigns to attract potential Indian customers and nurture them into loyal followers.

Webinar Funnel Model

Webinars can be a powerful growth tool for businesses selling products or courses in India. Implement a webinar funnel model by driving Indian attendees to a landing page where you can showcase and sell your offerings. Incorporate upsells and downsells to maximise revenue potential. Additionally, offer a compelling, valuable free trial or gift on the webinar thank-you page to entice Indian participants and positively impact your business’s trajectory.


By implementing these unconventional growth hacks tailored to the Indian market, entrepreneurs can propel their businesses towards growth. It’s crucial to consider the unique characteristics and challenges of the Indian audience while utilising these strategies. Experiment with these tactics, track your results, and adapt them to suit your business objectives in the Indian market. With a tailored approach, these growth hacks can help you accelerate your business growth and stay ahead in India’s dynamic entrepreneurial landscape.

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