Thank you for believeing in us, here’s our promise to you
A safe space where you can always seek & get help 🤗 during your daily grind
A gang who will celebrate 🥳 you & your milestones and push you to further grow
A productive💚environment that will enable you and your business to grow 🚀 in many vital ways
It’s a massive thing for us that you are trusting us with your growth journey. Onboarding will take place in 2 simple steps and only 5 minutes
Step 1You help us with some basic info about yourself, including your latest candid picture (we’ll keep it private)
Step 2You help us with some basic info about your business, and complete the membership formalities through the our 🔒secured payment gateway
Our systems are secured & powered by the India’s best in class global partners to give you a seamless community experience
TapstartX | Pulse (©) is a digital publication that brings to you stories of promising startups and entrepreneurs across India from the TapstartX | Community
Currently the house covers stories of startups & entrepreneurs from 20+ cities and 15+ industries
©2024 Tapstart Media Ecosystem Pvt. Ltd. – All Right Reserved
Designed and Developed Proudly in India ❤️
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